History of extrasolar planets
While till 1995 all experts world wide told us we're the only
planetary system in the whole universe (SETI 1995: "in fact many authorities felt our(s)" (...planetary
system...) "might be unique") in 2012 "Kepler
is teaching us that the galaxy is teeming with planetary systems" and
planets are prolific, ubiquitous.
FIRST DETECTION: a planet orbiting the star 51 Pegasus (1995). See also
here (article in Golden Gater Online October 24, 1995 ) (local copies
here and here in
case the original documents get lost. There are today so many people who try to correct history
afterwards in hindsight - with many different motivations - that it's no wonder
that many papers and documents of that time simply disappeared. If you look into the history
books, this happened at every important historical date and event, so it's not
really necessary to care about. Falsification of history and corruption of
historical facts has a long tradition in human history.)
In Feb.1997 The New York Times reported in a big news feature
(a whole page) about the wobbling sun and
how exoplanets can be found by searching the sky for wobbling stars.
Read more here
many of the following articles have later been 'enhanced', rewritten,
forged, deleted, typical examples of historical forgery
(the real start of Trumps 'fake news')
Other Planetary Systems?
(the article today has nothing in common with the original
article, it is a typical example of historical
New Planets Discovered!
Discovery of a Planetary Orbit In 51 Pegasus (M. Mayor & D. Queloz)
A planetary companion to HR3522 has been detected!
(G. Marcy & P. Butler)
Possible re-classification of the companion to HD114762?
(Discovery by Dave Latham et al.) (G. Marcy & P. Butler)
tau Boo (HR 5185) (G. Marcy & P. Butler)
HR458 (G. Marcy & P. Butler)
16 Cyg B = HR 7504 (Cochran and Hatzes) and (Butler and Marcy).
A Planet Orbiting the Star rho Coronae Borealis (AFOE)
51 Pegasi and its Variations, A Planet Vanishes
(D. Gray, Nature 385, 795, 1997)
Can the 51 Peg Doppler Variations be due to Non-Radial Pulsations ?
(M.Mayor, D.Queloz, G.Marcy, R.P.Butler)
A Search for Line Shape and Depth Variations in 51 Pegasi and tau Bootis
(Brown, T.M., Kotak R., Horner S.D., et al. 1998, Feb 10, ApJ 494, L85)
The Lack of Spectral Variability in 51 Pegasi: Confirmation of the
Planet Hypothesis
(A.P. Hatzes, W.D. Cochran, & E.J. Bakker, 1998, ApJ 508, 380)
HR 4796 (NASA astronomers using the new Keck II telescope in Hawaii have discovered what appears to be the clearest ev
idence yet of a budding solar
system around a nearby star)
Hubble Takes First Image of a Possible Planet Around Another Star and
Finds a Runaway World
(S. Terebey, May 28, 1998)
Image of a Planet: Too Hot to be True? (June 26, 1999)
HR5568, HR7875 and HR810 by Kuerster et al. at ESO (IAU Colloquium #170, Victoria, Canada, 22 June 1998)
Gliese 876 : THE CLOSEST EXTRASOLAR PLANET (Haute-Provence Observatory)
(July 6, 1998)
14 Herculis (Gliese 614) A GIANT PLANET WITH A LONG PERIOD (Haute-Provence Observatory)
Extrasolar planet in double star system
discovered from La Silla
(November 24, 1998)
A Report from Microlensing Planet Search Collaboration: A Possible Earth Mass
Planetary System found in MACHO-98-BLG-35? Rhie et al. 1999, AAS 193 10805
Gravitational Microlensing Evidence for a Planet Orbiting a Binary Star System
Microlensing Planet Search
(MPS) (Nature, Nov. 4, 1999)
Upsilon Andromedae: A Multiple Planet System (SFSU)
2000 you could read this report in the internet. (A list of the till 2000
discovered exoplanets. www.crystalinks.com)
Feb 2003 in A&A:
Temporal variations of low-order spherical harmonic representations of sunspot
group patterns: Evidence for solar spin-orbit coupling
Jul. 2005:
Sun's retrograde motion and violation of even-odd cycle rule in sunspot activity
or here
Mach 2006:
Axial rotation, orbital revolution and solar spin–orbit coupling
2007: the australian
Journal of
Coastal Research.
April 2008:
Does a
Spin–Orbit Coupling Between the Sun and the Jovian Planets Govern the Solar
March 2009:
Orbital Resonance and Solar Cycles
pdf here. "We show, that inner
planets orbit on heliocentric trajectories whereas outer planets orbit on
barycentric trajectories".(So even this little detail seems to be confirmed
by others.)
Oct 2010:
The barycentric motion of exoplanet
host stars: tests of solar spin-orbit coupling
pdf here
Today thousands
of internet pages exist to exoplanets...
Searching For Extrasolar Planets
California & Carnegie Planet Search (G. Marcy & P. Butler)
The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia (J. Schneider, France)
The Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes (Suisse)
The SARG Exo - Planets Search (Italia)
ET, Exoplanet Tracker
- ASEPS: All-sky Survey for Extrasolar PlanetS (Jian Ge, Univ. Florida)
Fixed Delay Interferometry for Doppler Extrasolar Planet Detection
(Ge J., 2002, ApJ, 571, L165)
First Planet Confirmation with a Dispersed Fixed-Delay Interferometer
(van Eyken, 2004, ApJ 600, L79)
First Planet Discovery for ET! (11 Jan 2006)
Se incrementan las posibilidades de detectar
más planetas extrasolares (11 Jan 2006)
The First Extrasolar Planet Discovered with a New Generation High Throughput Doppler Instrument
[ET1 - HD 102195 b]
(Ge J., et al., 2006, ApJ, 648, 683)
- EXPERT - EXtremely high Precision ExtrasolaR planet Tracker
- FIRST - Florida IR Silicon immersion grating spectromeTer
SERAM project (Search for Exoplanet with Radial-velocity At MPIA)
SERAM 1 (HD 11977) giant star
"A substellar companion around the intermediate-mass giant star HD 11977",
(Setiawan, et al.
2005, A&A, 437, L31)
SERAM 2 (HD 70573) 100 Myr
"Evidence for a Planetary Companion around a Nearby Young Star",
(Setiawan, et al.
2007, ApJ, 660, L145)
SERAM 3 (TW Hya b) 10 Myr
"A young massive planet in a star–disk system",
(Setiawan, et al.,
2008, Nature 451, 38)
A young extrasolar planet in its cosmic nursery
ESPRI - Exoplanet Search with PRIma
PRIMA Phase-Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry (The VLTI Dual Feed Facility)
CAPS, Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search
RoPACS Rocky Planets Around Cool Stars (David Pinfield, Univ. Hertfordshire)
TEP, Transits of Extrasolar Planets
EXPORT: EXo-Planetary Observational Research Team
Wide Angle Search for Planets
SWEEPS (Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search)
Extrasolar Planet Detection with the AFOE
(Advanced Fiber-Optic Echelle)
Arizona Search for Planets (ASP)
ERC, Extrasolar Research Corporation
All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS)
BEST, Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope and BEST II (Institut für Planetenforschung
Extrasolar Planetary Systems
The Extrasolar Planetary Foundation
Microlensing Planet Search Project MPS
The MACHO Project, MAssive Compact Halo Objects
A Parade of New Planets (Scientific American Explorations)
Planet Hunters (Discovery Online)
Strong signs of livable planets (San Jose Mercury News)
Other worlds distant Suns A catalog of extrasolar planets
(Garber Astronautics)
"Planetary systems and their changing theories"
(Pawel Artymowicz)
Planeta extrasolares (David Sánchez Gómez)
Ancient Suns
The Astrobiology Web
The Astrobiology Network - Exploring the Living Universe
NASA Astrobiology
Astrobiology (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.)
International Journal of Astrobiology (Cambridge Journals)
Space Missions
TPF (Terrestrial Planet Finder), Origins of Stars, Planets, and Life
(NASA) PlanetQuest
TPF (JPL, NASA) PlanetQuest
TPF (Terrestrial Planet Finder)
TPF-C Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph
TPF-I Terrestrial Planet Finder Inteferometer
Darwin (Space Infrared Interferometer Project)
(ESA) - search for Earth-like planets
SIM Space Interferometry Mission (NASA)
GAIA, Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophisics (The Galactic Census Project)
GAIA ESA's web site for the scientific community
GAIA on the ESA Science and Technology web site
COROT COnvection ROtation ŕ Transits planétaires
-- (Asteroseismology and Search for Exoplanets)
MOST Microvariability & Oscillations of STars (Canada's First Space Telescope)
Kepler NASA mission to detect transits by extra-solar Earth-like planets
Kepler Mission
PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) ESA Cosmic Vision 2015 - 2025
Organizations & Initiatives
DPS, Division for Planetary Sciences of the
American Astronomical Society, AAS
The Planetary Society, Extrasolar Planets
PlanetQuest --
NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program
NExScI, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
Exo-planet Roadmap Advisory Team (EPR-AT) ESA
Blue Dots roadmap towards the detection and characterization of habitable exoplanets
IAU Comission 53: Extra-Solar Planets (created August 2006) - formerly
IAU Working Group on Extra-Solar Planets
Spanish Planet Network
Future instruments to detect earth-like planets
NAHUAL (Near-infrAred High-resolUtion spectrogrAph for pLanet hunting)
- 3.5m CAHA
CARMENES (Calar Alto high-Resolution search for M dwarfs with Exo-earths with a Near-infrared Echelle Spectrograph)
GIANO bifront infrared spectrometer
UPF, UKIRT Planet Finder [successor of
PRVS, Precision Radial Velocity Spectrometer (Gemini)]
SPIRou: a nIR échelle spectropolarimeter for CFHT
- Magellan II (Clay) Telescope
PFS, Planet Finder Spectrograph Magellan II (Clay) Telescope (Carnegie Institution of Washington), Chile, Las Campanas Observatory
HZPF: (Habitable Zone Planet Finder), A proposed high resolution NIR spectrograph for the HET to discover low mass exoplanets around M stars
ESPRESSO, (Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet- and Stable Spectroscopic Observations) - High resolution (R150000) visual spectrograph
EPICS (Earth-like Planet Imaging Camera Spectrograph)
CODEX (COsmic Dynamics and EXo-earth experiment) - High resolution (R150000) visual spectrograph
SIMPLE, High resolution (HR) near infrared (NIR) spectrograph for the E-ELT
"Extrasolar Planets: Formation, Detection and Dynamics", Rudolf Dvorak (Editor),
Wiley, 2007
Detection, Formation, Properties, Habitability", John W. Mason (Editor),
Springer Praxis Books, 2008
Extrasolar Visions (News, Forums, etc...)
ExoPlanetNews monthly electronic Newsletter
Planetary News: Extrasolar Planets The Planetary Society
Extra-solar Planets Catalog
Simbad database, Strasbourg
CDS Portal, simultaneous search in
Simbad, Aladin and VizieR
The Transiting Planets (Frédéric
Known Extrasolar Planets (From The Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes)
Lists of Extrasolar Planets (IAU Working Group on Extrasolar Planets)
Known Planetary Systems (Alex Willman)
Go to links1 (most actual automatically
generated links). There are by now so many exoplanet sites that a manual
supervision is impossible.